At 16 I took my first trip to Europe with my family. My Mom was given the chance to live in Basel, Switzerland in a studio apartment. So myself, my brother, my Dad (history teacher) & Mom (pharmaceutical vet) lived in a studio apartment... It wasn't easy. But we learned a LOT about travel. I would go back again the next summer for a 10 day trip. And then again... And again. I made so many mistakes while traveling, and I made so many memories at the same time. I want to help you to make the memories without as many mistakes. Creating Adventure Smarter came from a place of passion and desire to help my friends & family navigate traveling Europe. There is so much information out there, and I love navigating all of that with and for my clients. We only get so many chances to make these memories with our families. Let's do it right the first time.
Travel Specialization
Culinary Tourism, Family Travel, Cultural Tourism
Destination Specialization
Continental US, Europe