Leveraging Emotions

Leveraging Emotions to Sell Travel

ASTA's Alvin Adriano on how to connect to your clients to get them what they really need

Have you ever felt the urge to splurge or choose the upgraded version of something like a hotel or the latest new device? Or finally choosing something for yourself? Or how about taking a quick impromptu getaway?

There comes a moment when our minds convince us to decide with the heart rather than head. Its these moments that really play an integral part in the buying process for your consumers and it is essential you look at which emotions your marketing triggers.

Why Emotions?

Emotions are reactions that we all experience in response to a stimulus. The type of emotion a person experiences is determined by the circumstance that triggers the emotion. For instance, a person experiences happiness when they receive good news. A person experiences fear when they are scared.

Emotions makes up who we are, how we will react, and more and can be a key indicator on how to communicate more effectively. There isn’t a person alive who can deny their influence on our decisions and any sports fans out there understand that facts can’t win every argument.

Triggering emotions allows us to connect with people because emotions inspire feelings. According to a study, customers who have an emotional relationship with a brand have a 306% higher lifetime value and will likely recommend the company at a rate of 71%, instead of the average 45%.

Emotions Inspires Action

In a recent study by Medical Alert Buyer’s Guide, 66% of respondents make decisions when choosing vacations with their heart rather than their head. Emotion versus rationality. Feelings versus facts. The internal tug of war that govern how we make decisions lie in the ability to inspire action.

Creating marketing campaigns and content that provokes and emotion can be powerful. You know what the most powerful emotion for travel? Envy.

Emotions versus Feelings

There are six primary emotions that people feel: happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, fear, and surprise. As you communicate with your audience, you will trigger certain emotions that your client will associate you with. It’s not without surprise that happiness and excitement are the two most sought-after emotions for people, but in combination with other emotions can create feelings that supersede rational decision making.

Now, feelings on the other hand are reactions to the emotions and where your brain assigns a meaning to that emotion. Everyone can feel differently to an emotion which is why to different people can react differently to a situation.

Becoming Emotional Stakeholders

Consumers today look for more than a discount and are inclined to support brands that they can relate to and trust. Brands who command premium pricing understand the emotional aspect in decision making and the key difference between a person’s choice and the price they are willing to pay. The recovery of businesses will be based on how they understand their consumers’ emotional needs and desires and translates that into building personal connections and relationships.

Emotional Branding was covered at ASTA’s 2022 Global Convention in the Education Session: How to Leverage Emotions to Build a Lifetime of Clients.


—Written by Alvin Adriano

American Society of Travel Advisors

123 N Pitt St, Ste 400, Alexandria, VA 22314 U.S.A.

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